10 Funny Geotechnical Engineering Jokes and Memes

This article is not normally something I post on this site, but I figured it would be fun to make some memes! Let’s see how this list of geotechnical engineering jokes turn out.

10. What Every Geotech Wants

9. To Be or Not To Be… That is the Question

Anyone that has been behind a drill rig logging soils knows this exact predicament. Tell the lab guys to get their hydrometers ready with this funny shirt I made!

8. Geotech vs Normal Person On Weekends

A funny meme illustrating how often geotechnical engineers need to work on weekends

If you’re still fairly new to geotechnical engineering, you know exactly what I’m talking about. All your friends with normal jobs are enjoying their weekend while you’re doing site inspections all day! At least the overtime is good, right?

What if you’re a bit more seasoned? The only friends you have left are other geotechs.

7. It’s Called SOIL!

As a geotechnical engineer, the word “dirt” is something of a curse word. A dirty word, if you will. I don’t know why it sounds so wrong, it just does. It’s soil!

6. Welcome to Geotechnical Engineering!

From handling suspiciously shaped SPT samples to watching contractors pound dry soil while ignoring your pleas to add water all weekend, we’ve got it all!

Q: What needs to be done before performing compaction testing?

A: Wake up the geotech in his truck

5. Civil Engineering is the Easiest Stream

4. I’m About To End This Man’s Career

You won’t be smiling in a few seconds, kiddo.

3. Being A Geotechnical Engineer

All in a day’s work for a geotechnical engineer. Site visits, soil reports, and under the (lunchroom)table deals.

2. Have Fun Never Seeing Another Woman

If you get lucky you’ll walk by the receptionist on the way to your desk.

1. Some Relationships Never End

Who needs companionship.

Thanks for reading!

I hope you enjoyed these geotechnical engineering jokes. I had a lot of fun making them and will be sharing a few with my coworkers. I’ll see how the reaction is there before I make any more. haha.

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